1. V? SDS Wide start on a good right hand pinch/sidepull and left hand gaston on a right facing sidepull up through another right hand sidepull and a few sharp crimps to a hard slopey topout.
Highboy V2** Jugs with a few tricky moves up high, escape out right to the horn on the arete.
2a. V? If you stay straight up at the high point this gets a lot more reachy or a lot more difficult.
2b. V? Trying the mantle straight up into the scoop without the horn is scary and tricky.
Highboy Prow V1* Good fun arete. Finish out right.
Unbreakabill V2** Cool reachy mantle like move to gain a high crimp. Shorter folk have to head left then up with harder moves.
5. V0 Some directional pulling to gain the summit.
6. VB On the backside the downclimb is a juggy slab.