Pad Curling
Pad Curling
1. VBR A low crux then head up to the arete and a jug haul around the corner.
2. **!V4
Pad Curling Wide SDS on then head up the diagonals to a technical middle with sparse feet and a better, but still heady top out on the diagonals. The landing is a little sloped.
3. V3?
Fiddilin Ben's Stand start at the corner and make a big move out right to a good hold on the arete then head up and leftish.
4. *!V2R A hard start gets you to a smattering of good slopey impurities hidden a little to far apart in a choss pile that goes high enough that breaking a hold might not be a great move.
5. V4?
Melon Catcher There supposed to be another problem around the corner up some layback cracks.